Provider Voices

Hear directly from FFN providers about the valuable work they do caring for children!

Are you an FFN provider based in North Carolina interested in sharing your experience on our website?

Heaven - FFN Provider in Transylvania County

  • How long have you been an FFN provider?

    Heaven: I have been an FFN provider for almost 2.5 years.

    Why did you become a home-based care provider? 

    Heaven: I became a home-based care provider because (available) trusted child care for infants is almost non-existent in my county.

    What is one thing you wish more people understood about FFN care? 

    Heaven: I wish more people understood that we do the same amount of work as licensed facilities with little or no pay.

    What brings you the most joy as an FFN provider? 

    Heaven: Being able to watch my children learn, grow, and connect with other children through our (local FFN care) network.

    What would you consider your greatest accomplishment in caring for children? 

    Heaven: I would consider my greatest accomplishment in caring for children (being) able to use the little resources available and still make a huge impact in their lives.

    What challenges have you personally faced as a provider? 

    Heaven: Not having the ability to schedule personal appointments and be able to go alone. Most the time my children have to accompany me because I have no one else to care for them.

    In your opinion, what can our policy influencers do to better support FFN providers and the children they care for? 

    Heaven: Policy influencers can better support FFN providers and the children we care for by voting and fighting for funding that directly helps FFN providers.

    Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience as an FFN provider?

    Heaven: As someone who didn’t grow up in Transylvania County and with no family close by, it’s nice to be apart of (a local FFN care) network where I have made lifelong friendships and community connections.

Sandie - FFN Provider in Transylvania County

  • How long have you been an FFN provider?

    Sandie: 3 years

    Why did you become a home-based care provider? 

    Sandie: I became a home-based care provider to provide child care for our granddaughters.

    What is one thing you wish more people understood about FFN care? 

    Sandie: The need for child care options in my community.

    What brings you the most joy as an FFN provider? 

    Sandie: Spending time with my granddaughters and meeting other FFN families

    What would you consider your greatest accomplishment in caring for children? 

    Sandie: The positive impact I have on the lives of my grandchildren.

    What challenges have you personally faced as a provider? 

    Sandie: Finding the time to clean my house and attend appointments.

    In your opinion, what can our policy influencers do to better support FFN providers and the children they care for? 

    Sandie: Recognize the positive impact FFN providers have on child care in our community.

    Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience as an FFN provider?

    Sandie: Being an FFN provider has given my family an opportunity to learn through online courses, share the good and not so good with other providers, meet incredible FFN families, have access to community services such as dental screenings, CPR training and SLP.