Key Messages
Share these key messages in support of Family, Friend, and Neighbor Care!
FFN Care is one of the most widely opted forms of child care in the U.S.
Children in home-based care settings deserve to enter kindergarten with the social, emotional, and academic skills needed to thrive in a school setting.
FFN providers deserve a livable wage so that they are able to sustainably offer high-quality child care that actively prepares children to be successful when they transition to kindergarten.
FFN care is a legitimate and essential form of early education and it should be subsidized and supported at the same level as center-based or licensed care.
Thousands of working class North Carolina families rely on FFN care because it is often more affordable than out of home child care centers and is frequently offered outside of typical business hours, allowing caregivers to work or go to school outside of a 9-5 schedule.
The loving child care provided by Family, Friend, and Neighbor providers supports healthy brain development in young children and helps them to build resilience.
Immigrant families often choose Family, Friend, and Neighbor Care as they are more likely to share a culture and native language with home-based providers, which helps establish a sense of trust and connection.
FFN care is the most widely available form of childcare in rural settings, where families often face transportation barriers and may have few, if any, licensed child care options close to home.